Uses of Class

Packages that use Namespace
com.apelon.beans.dts.plugin Provides the classes and interfaces that can be used to develop a plugin for the DTS Editor. 
com.apelon.dts.client.concept This package provides capability to access both Ontylog and thesaurus concepts in a DTS client application.   
com.apelon.dts.client.namespace This package includes classes for working with the namespaces (see Namespace) in a knowledgebase. 
com.apelon.dts.client.subset This package provides the capability to access and manipulate subsets in a DTS client application. 

Uses of Namespace in com.apelon.beans.dts.plugin

Methods in com.apelon.beans.dts.plugin that return Namespace
static Namespace DTSAppManager.getCurrentLoacalNamespace()
          Returns current local namespace or null if current local namespace is not set

Uses of Namespace in com.apelon.dts.client.concept

Methods in com.apelon.dts.client.concept with parameters of type Namespace
 ConceptChild[] NavQuery.getConceptChildRoots(ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor dtsAsd, Namespace namespace)
          Convenience method for getting root ConceptChild objects for an Ontylog or Ontylog Extension namespace.
 NavChildContext NavQuery.getNavChildContext(DTSConcept focusConcept, ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor focusConceptASD, Namespace namespace)
          Get the subconcepts of an DTSConcept concept in an Ontylog or Ontylog Extension namespace and whether they in turn have subconcepts (children).
 NavParentContext NavQuery.getNavParentContext(DTSConcept focusConcept, ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor focusConceptASD, Namespace namespace)
          Get the superconcepts of an Ontylog or Ontylog Extension concept and whether they in turn have superconcepts (parents).
 ConceptChild[] NavQuery.getSubsetConceptChildRoots(ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor dtsAsd, Namespace namespace, int subsetId)
          Convenience method for getting root ConceptChild objects in an Ontylog or an Ontylog Extension namespace which are present in the given subset.
 NavChildContext NavQuery.getSubsetNavChildContext(OntylogConcept focusConcept, int subsetId, Namespace namespace, ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor focusConceptASD)
          Get the subconcepts of an Ontylog concept present in a given subset and whether they in turn have subconcepts (children).
 NavParentContext NavQuery.getSubsetNavParentContext(OntylogConcept focusConcept, int subsetId, Namespace namespace, ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor focusConceptASD)
          Get the superconcepts of an Ontylog concept present in the given subset and whether they in turn have superconcepts (parents).

Uses of Namespace in

Methods in that return Namespace
 Namespace NamespaceEvent.getNewNamespace()
          Get the new Namespace.
 Namespace NamespaceEvent.getOldNamespace()
          Get the old Namespace.

Constructors in with parameters of type Namespace
NamespaceEvent(Object source, Namespace oldNamespace, Namespace newNamespace)
          Constructs a NamespaceEvent object.

Uses of Namespace in com.apelon.dts.client.namespace

Methods in com.apelon.dts.client.namespace that return Namespace
 Namespace NamespaceQuery.findNamespaceByCode(String namespaceCode)
          Gets a Namespace object by passing the namespace code.
 Namespace NamespaceQuery.findNamespaceById(int namespaceId)
          Gets a Namespace object by passing the namespace ID.
 Namespace NamespaceQuery.findNamespaceByName(String namespaceName)
          Gets a Namespace object by passing the namespace name.
static Namespace NamespaceQuery.getDefaultNamespace()
          Returns the Namespace that's been set as the default.
 Namespace[] NamespaceQuery.getExtendingNamespaces(int subsNamespaceId)
          Gets an array of Ontylog Extension Namespaces which the given subscription namespace extends
 Namespace[] NamespaceQuery.getNamespaces()
          Retrieves an array of Namespaces which represent the available namespaces in the knowledgebase.

Methods in com.apelon.dts.client.namespace with parameters of type Namespace
 boolean NamespaceQuery.addNamespace(Namespace namespace)
          Adds a Namespace to the DTS knowledgebase by sending a query to the DTS server.
static void NamespaceQuery.setDefaultNamespace(Namespace namespace)
          Sets the Namespace to be used as the default Namespace in the system.
 boolean NamespaceQuery.updateNamespace(Namespace oldNamespace, Namespace newNamespace)
          Updates an existing Namespace in the DTS knowledgebase with the values specified in a new one.
 boolean NamespaceQuery.updateNamespaceAuthority(Namespace namespace, Authority newNamespaceAuthority)
          Deprecated. Use NamespaceQuery.updateNamespace(Namespace oldNamespace, Namespace newNamespace) instead.
 boolean NamespaceQuery.updateNamespaceType(Namespace namespace, NamespaceType namespaceType)
          Deprecated. Use NamespaceQuery.updateNamespace(Namespace oldNamespace, Namespace newNamespace) instead.
 boolean NamespaceQuery.updateNamespaceWritability(Namespace namespace, boolean isWritable)
          Deprecated. Use NamespaceQuery.updateNamespace(Namespace oldNamespace, Namespace newNamespace) instead.

Uses of Namespace in com.apelon.dts.client.subset

Methods in com.apelon.dts.client.subset with parameters of type Namespace
 DefaultMutableTreeNode SubsetExpressionBuilder.initNamespace(Namespace ns)
          Initializes the namespace for the subset expression.

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