Package com.apelon.dts.client.namespace

This package includes classes for working with the namespaces (see Namespace) in a knowledgebase.


Class Summary
Authority Authority defines the namespace authority that oversees the content of that namespace.
ContentVersion Specifies the version of a terminology in a namespace.
Namespace Defines a Namespace.
NamespaceQuery A NamespaceQuery provides common methods for using namespaces.
NamespaceType Provides a typesafe enum pattern for the namespace type.

Package com.apelon.dts.client.namespace Description

This package includes classes for working with the namespaces (see Namespace) in a knowledgebase.  Concepts and terms are organized into vocabulary namespaces, and in the case of concepts, are used to avoid naming conflicts.  An Authority is an organization that oversees the content in the namespace.  The content of a namespace is versioned as a vocabulary evolves over time.  Information about a version is provided by ContentVersion.  Access to namespaces, authorities, and versions is provided by NamespaceQuery.

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