Packages that use ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor | |
com.apelon.dts.client.concept | This package provides capability to access both Ontylog and thesaurus concepts in a DTS client application. |
com.apelon.dts.client.match | This package provides matching capability to flexibly search within predefined silos of data within the knowledgebase. |
com.apelon.dts.client.subset | This package provides the capability to access and manipulate subsets in a DTS client application. |
com.apelon.dts.common |
Uses of ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor in com.apelon.dts.client.concept |
Fields in com.apelon.dts.client.concept declared as ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor | |
static ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor |
ALL_ATTRIBUTES is a special ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor that will cause all attributes of a concept to be fetched (except Ontylog defined view attributes). |
static ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor |
NO_ATTRIBUTES is a special ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor that will cause no attributes of a concept to be fetched. |
Methods in com.apelon.dts.client.concept that return ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor | |
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor |
Gets the ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor to be used to set the amount
of information retrieved with the concepts returned by a search. |
Methods in com.apelon.dts.client.concept with parameters of type ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor | |
DTSConcept |
BaseLocalConceptQuery.addConcept(DTSConcept concept,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor asd)
Adds a concept to a namespace by passing a DTSConcept object. |
static String |
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor.asXML(ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor dtsAsd)
Gets an XML string to set attributes according to the argument ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor. |
DTSConcept |
BaseConceptQuery.findConceptByCode(String conceptCode,
int namespaceId,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor descriptor)
Gets a concept object ( DTSConcept or OntylogConcept )
that represents the same concept as the argument concept code, but with
those attributes present that are specified in the
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor . |
DTSConcept |
BaseConceptQuery.findConceptById(int conceptId,
int namespaceId,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor descriptor)
Gets a concept object ( DTSConcept or OntylogConcept )
that represents the same concept as the argument concept ID, but with those
attributes present that are specified in the
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor . |
DTSConcept |
BaseConceptQuery.findConceptByName(String conceptName,
int namespaceId,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor descriptor)
Gets a concept object ( DTSConcept or OntylogConcept )
that represents the same concept as the argument concept name, but with
those attributes present that are specified in the
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor . |
DTSConcept[] |
BaseConceptQuery.findConceptsByCode(String[] conceptCodes,
int[] namespaceIds,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor descriptor)
Gets an array of concept objects ( DTSConcept s or
OntylogConcept s) that represent the same concepts as the argument
array of concept codes, from the same respective namespaces represented by
the namespace ID array, but with those attributes present that are
specified in the ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor . |
DTSConcept[] |
BaseConceptQuery.findConceptsById(int[] conceptIds,
int[] namespaceIds,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor descriptor)
Gets an array of concept objects ( DTSConcept s or
OntylogConcept s) that represent the same concepts as the argument
array of concept IDs, from the same respective namespaces represented by
the namespace ID array, but with those attributes present that are
specified in the ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor . |
DTSConcept[] |
BaseConceptQuery.findConceptsByName(String[] conceptNames,
int[] namespaceIds,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor descriptor)
Gets an array of concept objects ( DTSConcept s or
OntylogConcept s) that represent the same concepts as the argument
array of concept names, from the same respective namespaces represented by
the namespace ID array, but with those attributes present that are
specified in the ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor . |
ConceptChild[] |
NavQuery.getConceptChildRoots(ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor dtsAsd,
int namespaceId)
Convenience method for getting root ConceptChild objects in an Ontylog namespace. |
ConceptChild[] |
NavQuery.getConceptChildRoots(ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor dtsAsd,
Namespace namespace)
Convenience method for getting root ConceptChild objects for an Ontylog or Ontylog Extension namespace. |
NavChildContext |
NavQuery.getNavChildContext(DTSConcept focusConcept,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor focusConceptASD,
AssociationType associationType)
Get the children of a concept with respect to an association type and whether they in turn have children in that same respect. |
NavChildContext |
NavQuery.getNavChildContext(DTSConcept focusConcept,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor focusConceptASD,
Namespace namespace)
Get the subconcepts of an DTSConcept concept in an Ontylog or Ontylog Extension namespace and whether they in turn have subconcepts (children). |
NavChildContext |
NavQuery.getNavChildContext(OntylogConcept focusConcept,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor focusConceptASD)
Get the subconcepts of an Ontylog concept and whether they in turn have subconcepts (children). |
NavChildContext |
NavQuery.getNavChildContext(OntylogConcept concept,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor dtsAsd,
AssociationType associationType)
Deprecated. As of DTS 3.4 Use NavQuery.getNavChildContext(DTSConcept, ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor, com.apelon.dts.client.association.AssociationType) |
NavParentContext |
NavQuery.getNavParentContext(DTSConcept focusConcept,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor focusConceptASD,
AssociationType associationType)
Get the parents of a concept with respect to an association type and whether they in turn have parents in that same respect. |
NavParentContext |
NavQuery.getNavParentContext(DTSConcept focusConcept,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor focusConceptASD,
Namespace namespace)
Get the superconcepts of an Ontylog or Ontylog Extension concept and whether they in turn have superconcepts (parents). |
NavParentContext |
NavQuery.getNavParentContext(OntylogConcept focusConcept,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor focusConceptASD)
Get the superconcepts of an Ontylog concept and whether they in turn have superconcepts (parents). |
NavParentContext |
NavQuery.getNavParentContext(OntylogConcept concept,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor dtsAsd,
AssociationType associationType)
Deprecated. As of DTS 3.4 use NavQuery.getNavParentContext(DTSConcept,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor, com.apelon.dts.client.association.AssociationType) |
OntylogConcept[] |
OntylogClassQuery.getSubConcepts(OntylogConcept concept,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor dtsAsd)
Gets all the subconcepts of the concept argument with attributes filled in according to the ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor. |
ConceptChild[] |
NavQuery.getSubsetConceptChildRoots(ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor dtsAsd,
Namespace namespace,
int subsetId)
Convenience method for getting root ConceptChild objects in an Ontylog or an Ontylog Extension namespace which are present in the given subset. |
NavChildContext |
NavQuery.getSubsetNavChildContext(OntylogConcept focusConcept,
int subsetId,
Namespace namespace,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor focusConceptASD)
Get the subconcepts of an Ontylog concept present in a given subset and whether they in turn have subconcepts (children). |
NavParentContext |
NavQuery.getSubsetNavParentContext(OntylogConcept focusConcept,
int subsetId,
Namespace namespace,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor focusConceptASD)
Get the superconcepts of an Ontylog concept present in the given subset and whether they in turn have superconcepts (parents). |
void |
DTSSearchOptions.setAttributeSetDescriptor(ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor asd)
Sets the ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor to be used to set the amount
of information retrieved with the concepts returned by a search. |
DTSConcept |
BaseLocalConceptQuery.updateConcept(DTSConcept oldConcept,
DTSConcept newConcept,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor asd)
Updates only the concept name and/or code. |
Constructors in com.apelon.dts.client.concept with parameters of type ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor | |
DTSSearchOptions(int searchLimit,
int namespaceId,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor asd)
Convenience constructor for setting all options at once. |
Uses of ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor in com.apelon.dts.client.match |
Methods in com.apelon.dts.client.match that return ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor | |
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor |
Gets the ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor to be used to set the amount
of information retrieved with the concepts returned by a search. |
Methods in com.apelon.dts.client.match with parameters of type ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor | |
void |
MatchOptions.setAttributeSetDescriptor(ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor asd)
Sets the ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor to be used to set the amount
of information retrieved with the concepts returned by a search. |
Uses of ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor in com.apelon.dts.client.subset |
Methods in com.apelon.dts.client.subset with parameters of type ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor | |
DTSConcept[] |
SubsetQuery.fetchConcepts(int subsetId,
ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor casd)
Returns a list of DTSConcept for a given Subset . |
Uses of ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor in com.apelon.dts.common |
Methods in com.apelon.dts.common with parameters of type ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor | |
static ConAttribSetTransferObject |
ConAttribSetTransferObject.transform(ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor casd)