Class BaseLocalConceptQuery

  extended by com.apelon.apelonserver.client.BasicQuery
      extended by com.apelon.dts.client.attribute.QualifierTypeQuery
          extended by com.apelon.dts.client.attribute.PropertyTypeQuery
              extended by com.apelon.dts.client.concept.BaseConceptQuery
                  extended by com.apelon.dts.client.concept.BaseLocalConceptQuery
Direct Known Subclasses:
OntylogExtConceptQuery, ThesaurusConceptQuery

public abstract class BaseLocalConceptQuery
extends BaseConceptQuery

Base class for creating or deleting concepts in a local namespace.

The following events are fired in this class:

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004

Company: Apelon, Inc.

DTS 3.0.0
DTS 3.3.0
Apelon, Inc.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.apelon.dts.client.concept.BaseConceptQuery
Fields inherited from class com.apelon.dts.client.attribute.QualifierTypeQuery
Fields inherited from class com.apelon.apelonserver.client.BasicQuery
ADMIN, queryHeader
Constructor Summary
protected BaseLocalConceptQuery(ServerConnection sc, boolean isValidating)
Method Summary
 DTSConcept addConcept(DTSConcept concept)
          Adds a concept to a namespace by passing a DTSConcept object.
 DTSConcept addConcept(DTSConcept concept, ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor asd)
          Adds a concept to a namespace by passing a DTSConcept object.
 boolean deleteConcept(DTSConcept concept)
          Deletes a concept from the knowledgebase.
 DTSConcept updateConcept(DTSConcept oldConcept, DTSConcept newConcept)
          Updates only the concept name and/or code.
 DTSConcept updateConcept(DTSConcept oldConcept, DTSConcept newConcept, ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor asd)
          Updates only the concept name and/or code.
Methods inherited from class com.apelon.dts.client.concept.BaseConceptQuery
addConceptListener, addProperty, addSynonym, deleteProperty, deleteSynonym, findConceptByCode, findConceptById, findConceptByName, findConceptsByCode, findConceptsById, findConceptsByName, fireConceptAction, getAllConceptPropertyTypes, getConceptListener, getConceptPropertyTypes, getNamespaceQuery, removeConceptListener, updateProperty, updateSynonym
Methods inherited from class com.apelon.dts.client.attribute.PropertyTypeQuery
addPropertyType, buildPropertyTypes, deletePropertyType, findPropertyTypeByCode, findPropertyTypeById, findPropertyTypeByName, isPropertyTypeUsed, updatePropertyType
Methods inherited from class com.apelon.dts.client.attribute.QualifierTypeQuery
addKBTypeListener, addQualifierType, deleteQualifierType, findQualifierTypeByCode, findQualifierTypeById, findQualifierTypeByName, fireKBTypeAction, getAllConceptAssociationQualifierTypes, getAllConceptPropertyQualifierTypes, getAllQualifierTypes, getAllTermAssociationQualifierTypes, getAllTermPropertyQualifierTypes, getConceptAssociationQualifierTypes, getConceptPropertyQualifierTypes, getKBTypeListener, getTermAssociationQualifierTypes, getTermPropertyQualifierTypes, removeKBTypeListener, updateQualifierType
Methods inherited from class com.apelon.apelonserver.client.BasicQuery
executeQuery, executeQueryNoParse, getServerConnection, initializeDtds, initializeDtds, ping, setVersion
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected BaseLocalConceptQuery(ServerConnection sc,
                                boolean isValidating)
Method Detail


public DTSConcept addConcept(DTSConcept concept)
                      throws DTSException
Adds a concept to a namespace by passing a DTSConcept object. This method only adds the core concept and not any attributes that may be attached to the DTSConcept, such as synonyms, properties, or qualifiers. To add attributes to a concept, use BaseConceptQuery.addProperty(com.apelon.dts.client.concept.DTSConcept, com.apelon.dts.client.attribute.DTSProperty) and BaseConceptQuery.addSynonym(com.apelon.dts.client.association.Synonym).

concept - a concept to be added
The fully populated DTSConcept; if the code and id were not assigned to the concept at instantiation, the code and id values will be generated and returned.
DTSException - if any error occurs in the method


public DTSConcept addConcept(DTSConcept concept,
                             ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor asd)
                      throws DTSException
Adds a concept to a namespace by passing a DTSConcept object. This method only adds the core concept and not any attributes that may be attached to the DTSConcept, such as synonyms, properties, or qualifiers. To add attributes to a concept, use BaseConceptQuery.addProperty(com.apelon.dts.client.concept.DTSConcept, com.apelon.dts.client.attribute.DTSProperty) and BaseConceptQuery.addSynonym(com.apelon.dts.client.association.Synonym).

concept - a concept to be added
asd - ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor specifying which attributes to return with the added concept
The DTSConcept populated with the requested attributes; if the code and id were not assigned to the concept at instantiation, the code and id values will be generated and returned.
DTSException - if a ontylog extension concept name is same as any concept name in its linked namespace or if any other error occurs in the method
DTS 3.3.0


public DTSConcept updateConcept(DTSConcept oldConcept,
                                DTSConcept newConcept)
                         throws DTSException
Updates only the concept name and/or code. No other aspect of the concept is updated with this method. To update attributes of a concept, use methods in BaseConceptQuery.

oldConcept - DTSConcept containing old concept name and code
newConcept - DTSConcept containing new concept name and code
The fully populated DTSConcept with the new values of the updated concept.
DTSException - if any error occurs in the method.


public DTSConcept updateConcept(DTSConcept oldConcept,
                                DTSConcept newConcept,
                                ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor asd)
                         throws DTSException
Updates only the concept name and/or code. No other aspect of the concept is updated with this method. To update attributes of a concept, use methods in BaseConceptQuery.

oldConcept - DTSConcept containing old concept name and code
newConcept - DTSConcept containing new concept name and code
asd - ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor specifying which attributes to return with the updated concept
The fully populated DTSConcept with the new values of the updated concept.
DTSException - if a ontylog extension concept name is same as any concept name in its linked namespace or if any other error occurs in the method
DTS 3.3.0


public boolean deleteConcept(DTSConcept concept)
                      throws DTSException
Deletes a concept from the knowledgebase.

concept - the concept to be deleted
true if concept succesfully deleted; false otherwise.
DTSException - if any error occurs in the method

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