Package com.apelon.dts.client.association

This package provides capability to work with associations between concepts, terms, or a concept and a term.


Class Summary
Association An association relates a concept or term to another concept or term.
AssociationQuery AssociationQuery provides common methods for maintaining associations and association types.
AssociationType AssociationType defines a named association between concepts and/or terms.
ConceptAssociation ConceptAssociation relates a concept to another concept.
ItemsConnected Provides a typesafe enum pattern for the type of items associated or "connected" by an association.
Purpose Provides a typesafe enum pattern for the purpose of an association.
QualifiedAssociation This class provides methods common to Associations which have qualifiers: ConceptAssociations and TermAssociations.
Synonym A Synonym associates a term to a concept.
TermAssociation TermAssociation relates a term to another term.

Package com.apelon.dts.client.association Description

This package provides capability to work with associations between concepts, terms, or a concept and a term.  An association between a concept and a term is called a Synonym.  Associations between two concepts (see ConceptAssociation) are less formal than Ontylog roles, but also have a direction from the first concept to the second concept.  Associations between two terms are handled by the TermAssociation class.  Any association has a named type (AssociationType).  Concept and term associations, like properties, can have qualifiers which are essentially properties of the association.

Association types are managed or retrieved using class AssociationQuery.  Associations can be retrieved with other information for concepts by specifying and passing a ConceptAttributeSetDescriptor in methods that retrieve or search for concepts (see package com.apelon.dts.client.concept).  They can be retrieved for terms by specifying and passing a TermAttributeSetDescriptor in methods that retrieve or search for terms (see package com.apelon.dts.client.term).  Specific associations can also be retrieved with methods in AssociationQuery.

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